Submission formats JRMPA 2024

Authors may submit papers in French or English in two formats:

- Poster format: 1 page summarising the main points of a research project that has not yet been completed or an innovative educational project, times 12, single-spaced and with 2.5 margins, including everything.

- Short format: 5 pages maximum, times 12, single-spaced and with 2.5 margins, including everything (title page, abstracts, text, bibliographical references and appendices).


Each author may submit a maximum of two papers as first author.

Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind evaluation by two reviewers from the Scientific Committee.

The first page of the submission must include: the title of the paper, an abstract (in French and English) of 150 words on 1.5 line spacing, and a maximum of five (5) key words.

The initial file submitted must not include information on the identity of the author(s) (to be filled in the submission platform). The final accepted version will contain these details (first name, surname, affiliation and contact details of the author(s)).

We recommend that you download the JRMPA Style Sheet to find out the specifications for the file to be submitted.

Here is also a tutorial that explains in detail how to use the submission platform: Tutoriel utilisateur plateforme de soumission

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